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Our Kona Coffee farm is nestled in the hills of Wai’ono Meadows (Wai’ono meaning “delicious water”). Hawaiian Queen Coffee has produced the highest quality 100% Kona Coffee for over a decade. Our 160 acre farm is located at an elevation between 1800 and 2000 feet on the slopes of Hualalai, a prime location for growing 100% Kona Coffee. Through our website, you can enjoy this exclusive flavor in your own home. We care for each tree with aloha, producing the finest beans. You’ll taste the difference in every cup.

Our Kona coffee farm is situated just outside the village of Holualoa, in the heart of the Kona Coffee Belt, and boasts breathtaking views of the Kona Coast, with cruise ships anchored peacefully in Kailua Bay. Hawaiian Queen Coffee produces a consistent crop of the finest quality coffee. Our annual crop consists of Extra-Fancy, Fancy, No. 1 Prime and Peaberry.

An exceptional amount of labor and care goes into producing our 100% Kona Coffee beans which are harvested from August through February on one of the most attractive coffee farms in Kona.